Mutual Property Management Services has been operating since 1981, providing housing for renters, management services for investors and maintenance services for both.
We are all about convenience and are proud to say we were the first to be open from 9AM to 9PM, 7 days a week, including most holidays! Even now, during the digital age, we are open Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm.
To make rent payments as quick as possible, please send your email transfer to being sure to include your name, address and unit # in the notes. Cash, debit or cheque are also accepted in person at the office.
We have in-house staff on call for most maintenance requests, which means a quicker turn around time. We invite our tenants to fill out a comment card and offer their opinions, good or bad, so that we know what we are doing right and what we can do better. We look forward to you making your move with Mutual today!